在這困難的時刻,我特別感謝天主恩賜我和我的家人 (尤其是我的母親) 寶貴的信仰。我相信你們當中也有人正在面對同樣的戰鬥,又或認識一些朋友曾經或正在經歷這場戰役。有些情況只有發信德才能為我們的禱告提供支點和論據,這是否意味只有與耶穌一起向著十字架邁進才能夠認識他,並宣認他為復活的基督、生命的主宰﹖

Hello Everyone:
During the Liturgy of the Passion on Holy Week I share with you about my mother’s fight with breast cancer. After that some of you have approached me after mass or through e-mails to ask about my mum’s condition and give me some nice words of encouragement.
For this reason this week I want to take this opportunity to give you an ‘update’ on my mum’s health. She finished the first round of radiations, after that the doctors discovered “something” in her breast, so she was scheduled for a quick surgery to take them out and send them to the lab, this was my mum’s fifth time in the surgery room. Thank God and to all your prayers, the test from the lab was negative and the doctor’s guess is that maybe the lumps were formed by some tissue and fat getting around the wound. She was scheduled to continue with the radiations for two more weeks just to make sure all the cancerous cells were gone. However, God decided to test our faith once again and the wound from the last surgery got infected, so for one more time Mum had to go to the doctors and got it cleaned and disinfected, according to mum a very painful but necessary procedure. Now, under the Doctor’s advice, she is just waiting for the wound to close completely before they can continue with what we hope would be the last round of radiations.
In moments like these this is when I thank God for the gift of faith He has given me and my family, especially my mum. I am sure that some of you may have had to fight this fight or maybe know someone who has or is still fighting. There are moments in situations like this that only faith can provide the support and the answers to our prayers. Is only walking with Jesus on the way to the cross when we are able to recognize him and proclaim him as the Risen Christ, the Lord of Life.
As I mentioned during my homily on Good Friday, it has been a journey that me and my family have been walking and I feel very grateful that you have joined me and my family to support us along the way. Me and my family what to thank you for your prayers but we also want to invite you to pray for all those who are sick, the thousands and thousands of people who may be facing a bigger challenge and specially those who have to face this challenge without the gift of faith. It a long and hard journey when you have to face it without Jesus by your side.
Peace in Jesus
