
Hello Everybody:
First of all I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter once again! The message of the Resurrection of the Lord is still fresh in our heads after the big celebrations of Holy Week.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your active and fervent participation in the Liturgies of the Triduum. It was good to see you coming in big numbers regardless the limitations in parking that we have.
As I said during the homilies, Holy Week is the most important time in the Catholic Calendar, the importance is marked by all the different liturgies we experienced during the week, starting with the Solemn Celebration of the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, on that Sunday we heard an account of his passion according to St Luke; then the memorial of the Last Supper of the Lord on Holy Thursday, when we remember the institution of the Eucharist as an everlasting memorial of the Lord’s sacrifice for us in love “to the extreme” (Jn 13:1) and we were reminded of the one new commandment that the Lord gave us to love one and another in service. On Good Friday, during the morning we gather together to walk with Jesus on his way to Calvary and in the afternoon we remember his dead on the Cross, another action of the redemptive love of God for us. Together with Christians everywhere we were invited to pray for everybody, because everybody is recipient of the effects of that one sacrifice of Christ. Our response that day was also an act of love for God seen in the veneration of the Holy Cross.
The climax of the celebrations is the Easter celebration, the good news of the Risen Lord still echo in the Church after more than 2000 years and every year we proclaim Jesus as Lord, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, to whom belongs time and eternity, and through the singing of the Exulted, the ancient Paschal Song, we were invited to meditate on God’s intervention in history in Jesus Christ, risen from the dead for our salvation in that particular night.
I am sure that Holy Week was a busy time not only for me, but for so many people who put their talents together to make liturgies run smooth and lively. A big thanks to all of you, readers, music coordinators, acolytes, altar servers, teachers, photographers, our twelve ‘apostles’ for this year and so many other people who volunteered in so different ways to show that in our community Easter is about building the Church that Jesus wants. That we share in the same vision of the Kingdom that Jesus left us and we try to make that vision alive, especially in this time of Easter. Congratulations also to our new Catholics, may they also continue to grow in love and happiness for the Lord and his Church.
I want to leave you with a photo from this year’s celebrations, may we be reminded that the message of Jesus is about Love and Service: that is the way to the Kingdom of God.
Peace in Jesus
