大家好: 這個星期讓我們齊來分享 Marie Carney 在聖莫尼加的經歷。歡迎大家繼續來稿。


  我、丈夫Pat及最年長的兩個孩子,在1951年搬進聖莫尼加堂區。在堂區的首個週末,我們一同到聖堂領受修和聖事,並遇到別號“兔子”的 Miller,他熱誠地邀請我們參與第二天的彌撒,真的讓我們感到賓至如歸。那時的本堂司鐸是Ferrari神父,當時教堂擠滿了人,有些教友甚至要跟樓上的合唱團共座。那時的教友十分熱切,Kevin Sullivan甚至提議我們借用他的汽油割草機,直到我們安頓下來為止。


最終,禮堂由堂區的男生經過一番辛勞建成。在建築新的聖莫尼加教堂期間,會眾移師到禮堂望彌撒。那時的本堂司鐸是 RogerWynne 神父,全賴他的高瞻遠矚,在NorthRocks、Winston Hills 和 BaulkhamHills 買了土地,未來的各堂區才得以建成。他還購買了 教堂前的空地,有賴他的先見之明,空地最終亦搭建起臨時建築物和網球場。


Marie Carney

Hello Everyone:

This week we have an article from Marie Carney relating her experiences at St Monica’s. Please keep the articles coming in.

Peace in Jesus

  My husband Pat, first two children and myself moved into St Monica’s Parish in 1951. The first weekend we were in the Parish we went down to Confession. We met “Bunny” Miller who made us feel very welcome to attend Mass the next day. Father Ferrari was the Parish Priest. The Church was full of people and some had to sit in the choir upstairs. The people were very welcoming. Kevin Sullivan even offered us his petrol mower until we settled in.

Northmead in those days had quite a great expanse of paddocks. We could see the trains at Westmead from our front yard.

Eventually the hall was built by the labour of the men in the Parish. Housie was started on a Saturday night in the hall. Eventually the hall was used for us to go to Mass while the new St Monica’s Church was being built. Father Roger Wynne was our Parish Priest by that time. He had great foresight. He bought land at North Rocks, Winston Hills and Baulkham Hills for future parishes to be formed. He purchased the land in front of the church. He also had the foresight to but the land where eventually the temporary buildings were erected and the tennis court.

Between the tennis court and the back fence was an incinerator used by the school and the presbytery for quite some years until the recycling bins came into use.

Marie Carney