各位教友 :


為了紀念這重要的時刻,我們出了些點子,就是希望能刊登文章見證團體在不同階段的成長。我在此邀請大家撰文跟會眾分享教堂剛落成的早期回憶;甚至回顧原有的舊教堂 (聽說她本是面向教堂街的) 。原意是在每月第四主日發表這些文章,但如果反應踴躍,也許我們可以每月刊登兩次。

我希望大家能享受這些集體回憶。現在就率先拜讀 Laura Iemma Nee Gauci 的分享,亦容我深深感謝她的慷慨回應。

  「小時候﹐我跟父母和姊妹參與早上六時的主日彌撒。當時主日共有五台彌撒,由Father Ferrari當本堂神父。



我的姊妹 (Grace) 和我都在這教堂領受初領聖體和堅振聖事﹔每逢週五亦有聖體降福。」

  Laura Iemma (Nee Gauci)

Dear Parishoners:

This year, we celebrate 50 years since the new Church building was blessed. This is an important year in the history of our community. A Church building is always a visual reminder that God is in our midst. This building is the place where we gather together as a community to celebrate our faith and grow in love for one another.

To mark this important occasion, we came up with the idea of running some articles written by people who have seen the growth of this community through its different stages. I want to invite you all, if you have any memories you want to share with the rest of the congregation about the earliest stages when the Church building was finished and completed or even if you have some memories to share from the original Church (I was told it used to face Church Street), to send us your articles. The original idea is to have the articles published on the fourth Sunday of every month; if more articles come maybe we can have them twice a month.

I hope you enjoy the memories and I let you now with the first small article provided by Laura Iemma Nee Gauci, whom I thank deeply for her generous response to this invitation.

  My mother, father, sister and I attended the 6:00 AM Mass on Sundays. There were five masses on Sunday morning. Father Ferrari was the Parish Priest.

A number of the parishioners attending 6:00 AM Masses were market gardeners, which meant they still had the rest of the day to do their work.

The church had one centre aisle so going to communion and then coming back to your seat took some time.

My sister (Grace) and I made our first Holy Communion and Confirmation in this Church. Benediction was held every Friday.

  Laura Iemma (Nee Gauci)
Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG