各位教友 :

上週三,天主教傳統的一個特殊時段開始了,它就是「四旬期」。「四旬期」對不同的人可能意味著不同的事,甚或什麼意義也沒有。當我問一位非天主教朋友,是否知道我在談論什麼時,他的臉色大變(當時﹐我告訴他今年二月十七日是「聖灰瞻禮」)。他很老實的回答說﹕「我真的不知道你在說什麼」。我還以為他在開玩笑,對自小接受天主教傳統熏陶的我,會理所當然地認為每一個人都應該知道什麼是聖灰瞻禮。另外,我們有時候會迷失在細節裡,比如司鐸何時及從何處取得灰燼 (是去年聖枝主日被祝聖的棕櫚枝)﹔甚至為何「四旬期」是四十天(耶穌在沙漠逗留了四十天,不斷祈禱、齋戒和對抗魔鬼的誘惑)﹔但我認為大家對「四旬期」和「聖灰瞻禮」總會有自己的想法。









Hello Everybody:

Last Wednesday we started the special time in the Catholic Tradition we call Lent. Lent can mean different things to different people or just not have any meaning at all. I was talking to a friend of mine who is not catholic and his face just changed when I asked if he know what I was talking about (I was telling him that we had ash Wednesday on the 17 of February this year). His answer was very honest “I have no idea what are you talking about” he said. I thought he was joking, me being brought up in the Catholic tradition, just took for granted that everybody should know what Ash Wednesday is about, yes, sometimes we get lost in the small details of how and where the priests get the ashes from, (BTW those are traditionally the ashes of the Palms we blessed the year before on Palm Sunday) or even why it is forty days (the forty days that Jesus spent in the Desert, praying, fasting and facing temptations by Satan), but I thought everybody had an idea on what Lent and Ashes where about.

Of course this led me to think. What is Lent all about? Well in the Catholic tradition, Lent is the special time we prepare ourselves for the big celebration of Easter. We come to meditate more closely on what is the message of Jesus Christ and how we respond to that message in the day to day basis. Most of us would discover that we are not responding in the generous way we should and we make a commitment to change and get it better this time once and for all.

Lent is the time of the year where we take some time off our daily routine and try discovering more closely the actions of God in our lives. We try to become more sensible to the messages that God is giving us every day but we are just too busy to stop and listen carefully.

This process of meditation and evaluation is given in three dimensions which are made concrete in three traditional practices of Lent: Alms giving, Prayer and Fasting. These three practices should be of course the result of what is going on in the human heart and not just isolated acts on themselves. Even Jesus criticizes these acts when they are not based in the honest expression of a deeper reality.

Alms giving is the movement of the heart when we evaluate our relationships with others, those who need us and those who spend their lives closer to us. It is also related to our willingness to go and search for those who are away from us, both physically and emotionally.

Prayer is the evaluation of the relationship we have with God, the chance we have to intensify our spiritual life and see if we are actually acting according to the Law of God or just our own will. We also meditate how we are making this faith concrete in acts of Charity.

Fasting then would be the chance we have to evaluate how willing we are to give up the things that do not need. It is an exercise to self-control, to abstain from the things that may keep us away from God. Just as Alms giving has more to see with others; Fasting is more a self-evaluation of our thoughts, words and actions.

Let us pray together that our preparation during this time of Lent will be a fruitful one and we may be ready to celebrate together the happiness of the Risen Christ.

Peace in Jesus
