



在2003年,估計約八成海地人口生活在貧窮線下。大多數人每天只有2美元或更少的生活費﹔當地人口一半是文盲﹔超過八成大學畢業生移居海外,主要是到了美國。首都太子港的太陽城社區(Cité Soleil),更被視為北美洲其中一個最差勁的貧民窟(聯合國稱此地為「全球最危險的地方」),其50萬居民大多數生活在極端貧困中。「今日美國」報章在2009年12月22號的報導指出,海地各城鎮的廣泛貧窮,已迫使至少22.5萬海地兒童變相作了奴隸,他們作無酬家庭傭工賴以維生。


再一次多謝大家極速回應正在苦難當中的兄弟姊妹的訴求。我希望引述聖保祿宗徒致格林多人後書來作總結:「天主能豐厚地賜與你們各種恩惠,使你們在一切事上常十分充足,能多多行各種善事」(格後 9:8-9)。



Dear Parishioners:

First of all I want to thank you all for your generous response to the Haiti Emergency Response Appeal that we did last week after every mass. With your help we get to raise $2,466.75 which has been sent through Caritas Australia to our Brothers and Sisters in need in Haiti.

However, as we all know, the tragedy in Haiti did not start on January 12th. One of the poorest countries in the world, Haiti has been having difficulties almost in every aspect of its life, politics, economy, education, public and social services.

Haitian politics have been contentious. Most Haitians are aware of Haiti's history as the only country in the Western Hemisphere to undergo a successful slave revolution. On the other hand, the long history of oppression by dictators – including François Duvalier and his son Jean-Claude Duvalier – has markedly affected the nation and its economy.

About 80% of the population were estimated to be living in poverty in 2003. Most Haitians live on $2 or less per day. Haiti has 50% illiteracy, and over 80% of college graduates from Haiti have emigrated, mostly to the United States Cité Soleil is considered one of the worst slums in the Americas, (this place has been called "the most dangerous place on Earth" by the United Nations) most of its 500,000 residents live in extreme poverty and this same situation of poverty has forced at least 225,000 children in Haiti's cities into slavery, working as unpaid household servants, this last being reported on USA Today on 22nd of December 2009.

I still remember my visit to Haiti in 2003, for around five weeks me and twenty five more priest from all over Latinamerica had the chance to see first-hand the extreme situation of poverty the country lives in. It was for all of us a chance to be more sensible to the needs of this country which, as many countries in the third world, only make it to the front pages due to the tragedies they live every day.

Thank you all for being sensible to the needs of our brothers and sister who suffer in that part of the world. I want to finish with a quote from the second letter of St Paul to the Corinthians: “God is perfectly able to enrich you with every grace, so that you always have enough for every conceivable need, and your resources overflow in all kinds of good work” (9:8-9)

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG