







返回澳洲, 我喜不自勝,我在墨西哥聖母像前,如諾為你們及你們的親友祈禱。展望未來,我們的堂區中心才剛剛落成,仍有不少工作有待努力呢!



Dear Parishioners:

I am back! I had the most amazing time back home. These have been one of the best holidays I have had in Mexico. It was a good time to rest, meet with family and friends, travel, try all the Mexican food available and of simply enjoying a good time back home.

Every time I go back to Mexico it amazes me how culture is so embedded into our own way of being. We hardly take the time to stop and think how the things we grow up with have an influence for the rest of our lives. Being back to Mexico is about getting familiar again not only with the people but also with the smells, the sounds and the traditions of what we call ‘being Mexican’.

As you know, this was my first visit to my country after I moved to Australia. The contrast between them made a big impression on me. However, looking closely, I realized that actually Mexico and Australia are not that different. Both of them are countries with people who enjoy life, enjoy friendships and also a good glass of wine (well in Mexico I prefer tequila).

Australia is as unknown to Mexican as Mexico is to Australians. Everybody kept asking me how was Australia like or what is there in Australia to see and visit besides the Sydney Opera House? Not a few friends asked me if I have ever been to the Opera House or if I have ever seen a Kangaroo?

In the eyes of faith, I think my life as a missionary has been a blessing. It is not easy to find a place you can call home and I just feel blessed that I can call home a place so different to my other home in Mexico. This is what faith is for, to break boundaries created by history and geography. I think experiences like this are the ones that shape the new understanding of a missionary not only as the person who crosses geographical boundaries but more importantly the person who crosses cultural boundaries to preach the Gospel of Christ in every possible environment regardless the concrete differences.

We have heard many times that we are all missionaries, we have been sent by Jesus to cross those boundaries over and bring together a people for God. The chance to live in two different societies and cultures make us more sensible to discover what is what makes us “Mexicans” or “Aussies”. I will invite you to meditate on the things that make us Catholics and to re-discover how our faith has also helped us to shape the person we are today. Maybe we are too used to be Catholics that we forget that there are so many things that make us unique and different, things that help us to see the world in a different perspective.

I am very happy to be back in Australia. As I promised I pray for all of you in front of the blessed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, for your needs and the needs of your families and friends. I am looking forward to the future ahead; we have a lot of things to do, especially now that our Parish Centre has been finished. Thanks again for all your good wishes and your warm words of welcome.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG