
數月前,我曾談論過堂區正在準備明年的財政預算。我和堂區的「財務委員會」(Finance Committee)經過幾個月的規劃和商討,終於整理好「聖莫尼加」這堂區的年度營運經費。

假如你對堂區的財務分配感興趣的話,歡迎大家細閱張貼在聖堂後面壁報的財政預算。你會看到,明年預期有大約 $120,500.00 的收入,而支出大約是 $122,300.00 。對某些人來說,看到預算未能達到收支平衡,他們會感到極其詫異。在任何商業機構,一份帶有赤字的財政預算是令人極度沮喪的,也正正顯示公司管理層不善經營。







Dear Parishioners:

A few months ago I talked to you about the budget that we were preparing in the parish for the following year. After a few months of planning and discussion with the Finance Committee we finally have an idea of how much it costs to run a parish like St Monica for one year.

I have posted the budget at the back of the Church in case you are interested in seeing how the money is distributed. As you can see, the budget projects an income amount of around $120,500.00 and the expenditure is projected of about $122,300.00. For some people it is always a surprise to see that there is a discrepancy in the amount we receive and the amount we spend. In any company, this would be a cause of despair and a clear sign of bad management.

In my years in the Church and coordinating Finance Committees I have come to realize that the church is not a profit organization, the Church survives and carries out her mission to preach the Gospel of the Lord based on the generosity of her children who contribute to this important mission with all the means they can: Financial support, prayers and sacrifices. I have seen that even when we start with a budget on the red, the providence of God makes it possible that we meet our target and that we continue to spread the message of love to everybody.

For security reasons the budget will be posted for just two weeks, so please have a look and get an idea of our financial situation.

On a different note, I want to appeal to your help, there has been some theft going on the Parish premises, last week someone cut the copper pipes from the Administration Building in the school and took them away. It hasn’t been confirmed with me but I heard that they also took some of the materials in the building site. This is a cause of concern because that may send a message to people who like to take what does not belong to them that St Monica’s is an easy target. Around Holy Week this year I also mentioned in this column that some people also complained about their weekly envelops being taken from the pews as they approached for communion.

I am going to ask you to keep an eye open for people looking suspicious, especially during weekends, people wondering around the church, the presbytery and the school. It is important that we develop a closer community to be able to identify people who are new to our community and we can offer them a welcoming hand or maybe also identify people who may be approaching our community with a different intention.

For this reason, members of the Finance Committee have suggested to speak to you during English Masses this weekend to address some of their concerns and ways to solve or reduce this problem. They have my approval and my support and I thank them for their initiative to make our little community a better place.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG