



  1項 - 如果教區主教在徵詢司鐸諮議會的意見後,認為適宜時,每一堂區可成立牧靈委員會,由堂區主任任主席,在委員會中,信徒與因自身的職務參與堂區牧靈事務的人,共同提供協助,以促進牧靈工作。
  2項 - 牧靈委員會祇享有諮詢權,並應按照教區主教所作的規定來管理。







Dear Parishioners:

In the last couple of months the Chinese Chaplaincy is going through the process of forming its Pastoral Council for the next two years, as you know the Diocese has a policy that Pastoral Councils should be renewed every two years.

I think this gives me a good opportunity to speak about Pastoral Councils a structure in the Parish community I am not sure if everybody is familiar with.

Canon Law (536 §1) clearly says that..

  §1.    If the diocesan bishop judges it opportune after he has heard the presbyteral council, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish, over which the pastor presides and in which the Christian faithful, together with those who share in pastoral care by virtue of their office in the parish, assist in fostering pastoral activity.
  §2.    A pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only and is governed by the norms established by the diocesan bishop.

The Parish Council then is a recommended structure within the church, whose main concerned will be fostering pastoral activity. In its structure, it has to be a representative body of the faithful and must include the parish priest. The reason for its existence is implied in the idea of helpful cooperation and it has to work in a way where communication, coordination and consultation can be created and maintained. The participation of the Laity is important because they participate in it “in accord with the knowledge and competence which they posses and they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church”.

With these ideas we can see that the participation in the Pastoral Council implies help to the Parish Priest to look after the well being of the Church, its laws, traditions and teachings and not only the promotion of personal ideas and disagreements.

Sometimes in parishes, Pastoral Councils are not well known. I think that part of the problem can be lack of promotion of this important structure, lack of participation in the life of the Church that sometimes is reduced to mere sacramental participation and sometimes even lack of membership that makes it really hard to even create a team to work with.

In my experience in different parishes and chaplaincies, I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of people who have inspired me for their dedication and commitment to the Church of Christ and of course there has been also moments and situations where human weaknesses are present and arguments and disagreements had made it difficult to “foster pastoral activity”. That is why I think, is important to pray during times of elections of the Pastoral Council, first that God may motivate people to participate in this aspect in the life of the Church and also to pray that God may remove any selfish desire to participate just for the sake of imposing ideas who instead of reflecting the unity of the Church just reflect how far we are from the Kingdom of God present in the person of Jesus.

As a sign of unity I invite you all to pray for the Chinese Chaplaincy in this important moment in the journey on earth as the chosen people of God.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG