以下的材料是摘錄自「澳洲主教會議團」所編寫的「父親﹕事實與自省」(Father Facts & Reflections)。我希望你們讀後能感到振奮人心和樂趣無窮。

Dear Parishioners:
This week is Father’s Day, first of all congratulations to all of you who have received this gift from God.
A couple of weeks I received some material that speaks about different aspects of being a father and how important this role is for the development in our lives. All of us have stories to share about our Dad, the way they have influenced our lives and in a way have made us the person we are today.
I want to share some of these reflections with you with my prayers that every day and in every generation, parents are more aware of the responsibilities they have towards their children and specially how Jesus himself taught us to call God “Our Father”
The part that follows are some extracts of the material prepared by the Australian Bishop’s Conference and is called “Father facts & Reflections” . I hope you find this inspiring and interesting.
“My Dad would talk to us around the dinner table, sharing his life experience, his understanding of people, his views and wisdom. Dad was never in a hurry to conclude the meal.”
Sociological research confirms that the self-esteem of children is greater when their fathers are involved in their formation.
“The first thing I would say about Dad is that he loved Mum. He just adored her. This has taught me that, first and foremost, a father is a lover.”
The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Where husband and wife are estranged, the most important thing a father can do for his children is to forgive their mother, and to seek her forgiveness.
“My parents have divorced, but it has not compromised my Dad’s love for me. I think Dad realises he made mistakes and is able to understand my own mistakes. Our relationship has grown stronger. Now we can talk about anything.”
The wellbeing of young people correlates with their freedom to confide in their fathers.
In families affected by divorce, non-resident fathers continue to be vitally important for the general development of their children.
“When I was growing up, Dad would pray the family rosary and grace before meals each day with us. Sunday Mass, confession, prayer and the sacraments were built into our lifestyle, largely through Dad’s commitment to God and Church.”
Fathers have a particular influence on the formation of their child’s image of God, not only in childhood, but throughout life.
“When Dad had a heart attack at age sixty, everybody said things like “He works too hard” or “Stress brought it on.” It occurred to me that I had never thanked Dad for working so hard for me. When I was growing up, his work and all the security and education it provided for the whole family was just something I took for granted.”
I leave you with a picture of my mum and dad when they went to visit me in Hong Kong for my ordination as a deacon 11 years ago.

Peace in Jesus
Fernando Montano MG