




教會不斷重新界定、檢討和推行牧養移民和難民的工作。如果想了解更多這方面的工作﹐大家可以閱讀「主教理事會」於2004年5月1日出版的一分重要文件﹐該指令被稱為“ERGA MIGRANTES CARITAS CHRISTI” (意指「基督對移民的愛」)。

澳洲天主教會在移民身上委實獲益良多。公元 2000 年 ﹐「澳洲天主教主教會議」在坎培拉所發表的一份聲明中說﹕「在澳洲,我們已經體驗到人口的遷移能打破人與人之間的地域壁壘。那些基於地理、文化、政治和宗教而遙遙相距的人們,如今彼此可以生活在同一土地上和更好地相互了解﹐這有助逐步滅退累積了許多世代的相互偏見和恆久對抗。澳洲教會認識到本地教會確實受益於移民團體 ----- 如人數的增加、信仰的落實、禮儀的標記、虔敬的展現、對外開放、兼容不同文化和種族。」



Dear Parishioners:

Starting on Monday 24th to up to Sunday 30th of August the Church celebrates the 95th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This year, the theme for this important event given by the Pope is “St Paul, migrant, Apostle of the peoples”. The Church in Australia has tried to make this a more relevant theme and based on the intention of the Pope has “St Paul Migrant, Apostle of Migrant and Refugees in Australia”

The migration phenomenon has grown to take on dimensions of the entire world and now is the common denominator of almost 200 million people. The Catholic Church in Australia is one of the most impacted by this fact of human movement.

One of the biggest challenges a Church like Australia has to face is the constant question of How do we welcome all this diversity in the middle of our communities so to grow even stronger as one and avoid the risk of becoming fragmented and each going its way?

As I mentioned before, the Pope has proposed St Paul as the background for the reflections and activities on this important day this year. As we all know, St Paul was born into a family of Jewish immigrants in Tarsus, Paul was educated in the Hebrew and Hellenistic cultures and languages, making the most of the Roman cultural context. This complex reality pretty much reflects the reality of so many immigrants.

The Church is continuously redefining and implementing the pastoral care for migrants and refugees. An important document to understand more about this pastoral work is one published by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. The instruction is called “ERGA MIGRANTES CARITAS CHRISTI” (The Love of Christ towards Migrants) and was published on May 1, 2004.

The Catholic Church in Australia has benefited in many ways by migration as the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference said in a Statement on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees in Canberra in 2000; “in Australia we have come to experience through migration that geographical barriers between people can disappear, and those who were geographically, culturally, politically, religiously far apart from each other can now come to live together and to know each other better this helps gradually to erode prejudice and historical rivalries built over many centuries. The Catholic Church in Australia recognizes how migrants have benefited the Catholic community amongst these are- increased memberships, active practice, symbols, practices and devotions, a sense of openness, inclusiveness of many people and cultures”.

In the spirit of charity and unity let us pray this week for all the migrants and refugees.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG