
每年的五月、八月及十一月份﹐「教區工作基金」(Diocesan Works Fund) ﹐簡稱DWF都會三次向大家募捐。這些款項是教區用作實踐普世教會的宗徒使命﹐涉及的用途就如我們日常生活般的廣泛和多元化。

這些使命包括提供社工服務、援助肢體或精神弱能人士、 禮儀服務、 教友培育、合一運動、宗教對話、 社會公義、聖召培育、 青年使徒訓練、教區法庭和大學團契等等﹐都未能盡錄。




1. 越來越多貧困寡婦需要幫助 (宗6:1-7) 。

2. 絡繹不絕到耶京朝聖的信徒為團體帶來負擔。

3. 早期教會在實驗共有制的團體生活時產生了問題 (宗 4:32-5:11) 。

4. 飢荒帶來了困境 (宗 11:27-30) 。

5. 經濟迫害為個人帶來了壓力 (雅1:9; 2:6-7; 5:1-6) 。




Dear Parishioners:

Three times a year, in the months of May, August and November, you have noticed we make an appeal to you to help us with the DWF (Diocesan Works Fund) collection. This DWF is the fund that supports the ministries of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Parramatta. The ministries the Diocese provides are as diverse as are the needs we find in our lives.

These ministries include the help in areas of social work (Aboriginal People, Family services), services to people with physical or intellectual challenges (disable people, and deaf or hearing impaired) , Liturgy, Christian formation, Ecumenical work, Inter-religious dialogue, Social Justice, Vocations, Youth Apostolate, Tribunal of the Catholic Church and University Chaplaincies to name them just in general.

As you can imagine, to be able to maintain all the services run by the Diocese is necessary the help of everybody. Every parish is asked to contribute three times a year to help the Local Church in this important mission to those who need more.

From the Spiritual point of view I think is one of the constant challenges and callings in the Christian life to embody Christ’s presence in concrete acts of charity and mercy. The idea of a collection to the mother church is as ancient as the bible itself. In the letters of St Paul (Galatians, Romans and Corinthians) we hear about the famous collection the apostle organized in the gentile world to help the church in Jerusalem. As we read through the places where we hear about this collection the issues of grace, fellowship, mercy, mission, and others all coincide in this important initiative of Paul to remind the churches in the gentile world of the common bond of faith in Jesus that kept them together as brothers and sisters. Even more, tracing the history of the collection through the New Testament documents gives enlightenment on the whole socio-cultural reality faced by the New Testament church.

Many authors have tried to suggest the reasons for this collection; the suggestions can be summarized in these few points:

1. The presence of more and more widows needing care (Acts 6:1-7).

2. Pilgrims to Jerusalem who burdened the community.

3. Problems from the early community’s experimentation with communal life (Acts 4:32-5:11).

4. The economic hardships caused by famine (Acts 11:27-30).

5. Personal stresses due to economic persecution (James 1:9; 2:6-7; 5:1-6)

As you can see the needs of the Church in Jerusalem are not that different from the needs of the Church now, and the reason is because we take dearly the call of Christ to see him in the person who is in need.

Your contribution will help our Diocese to keep the message of Love alive in many different areas. If you wish to contribute to this appeal and you need to ask for a tax refund please fill up the details at the back of the envelops provided. A third collection will be taken for this appeal.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG