








Dear Parishioners:

For the last two weekends, the church in Australia has been invited to meditate on the gift of vocations. Usually when we hear this word, we immediately think about vocations to the priesthood or consecrated life. Since we see them so far away from where we are in our life choices, we tend to put the thought aside immediately.

It is important, however, that as Catholics we dedicate time to meditate on the reality of our own calling. Not only the calling we have received from God to be his children, or our calling to live and love; to holiness and discipleship; to witness and service.

Each of us in invited to deeply meditate on the fact that every person is born with a unique package of potential, God-given gifts and talents that are given for self and others. We need to meditate seriously on where and how can these best be nurtured and developed? And most importantly how can I become my best self for the sake of the kingdom?

Vocation then, should not awake in us the sense of a job or a career, finding and living our own vocation should be seen as the life-long process of becoming fully alive!

The idea of vocation is strongly related to the idea of Discernment. Discernment is a process by which we are helped to come to a decision. This is very important to remember and consider when it comes to making life choices. Discernment then, is about how we can come to a decision that includes our faith and belief systems. It is a process of distinguishing or separating what is of God from what is not of God. This may sound easy at first but when we realise that while many of our impulses come from God, many also come from our own ego, from our culture, and from peer pressure.

Maybe in our community most of us had already made our choices for life. However, it is important that we develop communities and societies that nurture the idea on the responsibility to find our own particular calling, we need to encourage future generations to take seriously their live choices, and particularly to encourage younger generations to consider seriously their calling to the priesthood or to consecrated life. I think is important we encourage our children and youth to pray to God for their own vocation and search for this seriously and responsibly.

I want to finish this message with an invitation to keep praying to the Lord to illuminate the hearts of many young people to answer with generosity to his calling of love.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG