Dear Parishioners:
In some other occasions I have spoken to you about the relationship between faith and technology. This time I want to speak to you about a new feature in our parish live. Our very own website!
Ever since I was introduced to this technology of cyberspace I have been a devoted fan. It amazes me every day all sorts of new information and how much it has changed since I first start using it.
Many of us can have our own ideas about this technology however; the Internet can offer magnificent opportunities for evangelization if used with competence and a clear awareness of its strengths and weaknesses. Above all, by providing information and stirring interest it makes possible an initial encounter with the Christian message, especially among the young who increasingly turn to the world of cyberspace as a window on the world.?It is important, therefore, that the Christian community think of very practical ways of helping those who first make contact through the Internet to move from the virtual world of cyberspace to the real world of Christian community.?
That is why, I think, a new webpage for our parish can provide with new ways to spread information about our parish, our activities and the way we try to live the Gospel in our own community in this part of the world. Now through this mean, we can even share this experience with some other friends and relatives who have moved to other areas or who now live overseas.
If you have internet access I invite you to visit our webpage, as you know, this kind of technology is always under development and only with your feedback we can make it better every day.
I want to thank our dedicated volunteer Stephen, who is giving heaps of his time to make this service possible. The Chinese Chaplaincy has also a webpage running for longer time; it is run by a whole team whose members I also want to thank for the hard work and dedication they put into it.
Without further due, please visit our parish webpage at:
The Chinese Chaplaincy webpage is at:
Enjoy !
Peace in Jesus
Fernando Montano MG