
過去數週,堂區的「一人一磚」認購,得到各位教友的熱烈響應,你們的慷慨令我萬分欣喜,依建築師的計算,沿著未來堂區中心的小徑,只有總數 180 塊的地磚,將鋪在小徑的邊緣,至今已有 160 塊獲得教友的認購,並已籌到 $10,408,我們另需付造磚的款項,如果你仍未交回認購表格,該火速交回啦!



第一二七篇 信賴天主照顧

  1  登聖殿歌,撒羅滿作。若不是上主興工建屋,建築的人是徒然勞苦;若不是上主在護守城堡,守城的人白白儆醒護守。

  2  你們極早起床盡屬徒然,每夜坐至深更圖謀打算,為了求食經過多少辛酸;唯獨天主賜所愛者安眠。

  3  的確子女全是上主的賜予,胎兒也全是他的報酬。

  4  年青少壯所生的子嗣,有如勇士手中的箭矢。

  5  裝滿自己箭囊的人,真有福祺,城門前與敵人爭辯,不受羞恥。


Dear Parishioners:

For the last few weeks we have been promoting the selling of pavers to contribute into the building of the parish centre. As I have mentioned manytimes during masses, the pavers will fit into the final design at the edge of the path way and according to what the Architect estimates we can only fit 180 pavers.

Your response to our appeal has been very generous, so far we have managed to sell 160 pavers and raised $10,408 AUD. We are still waiting for some of the forms to come back to us to have the final estimate. We also need to pay for the production of the pavers but still I think your response has been more than generous and I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in one way or the other to get this done.

I remember one of my previous Parish Priests always used to tell me. “There are two things that can kill a Parish Priest, Finances and Meetings”. Now I understand why he said it.

As the financial year is just beginning, in a meeting with the Finance Committee, we agreed on preparing the budget for the coming year. It will be interesting to have an idea on how much money we need to run the parish in a year. In my first year as a parish priest I am really looking forward to see where we are financially. When the time comes, I hope to share this information with you.

Since I am not very good talking about finances, I want to end this article with the thought that, community is more important than any building project, what would be the use of having a parish centre when the community is not there to enjoy and use it? That is why we have to keep working and praying to ask the Lord to build our house. This is the thought that I wanted to have in one of the pavers one of you let me to design at my discretion. I was inspired for what the Psalmist says in Palm 127, I want to leave that with you for your personal meditation.

If YHWH does not build a house
in vain do its builders toil.
If YHWH does not guard a city
In vain does its guard keep watch.

In vain you get up earlier,
And put off going to bed,
Sweating to make a living,
Since it is he who provides for his beloved as they sleep.

Sons are a birthright from YHWH,
Children are a reward from him.

Like arrows in a warrior’s hand
Are the sons you father when young.

How blessed is the man
Who has filled his quiver with them;
In dispute with his enemies at the city gate
He will not be worsted.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG