


十九世紀聖人聖維雅內在法國時,四出探訪及熱心傳教,甚受居民愛戴。今年是聖維雅內的 150 週年慶禮,教宗同時宣布聖維雅內為全球司鐸的主保,並是「基督僕役的典範」。





Dear Parishioners:

As you know the year of St Paul is coming to and end. The year has run from June 29th, 2008 to finish on June 29, 2009. The universal Church has been celebrating this special year with liturgies, symposiums, retreats, pilgrimages and so on.

After the year of St Paul, the church has announced “The year of the Priest”. Pope Benedict XVI has declared this year in an effort to encourage “spiritual perfection” in priests. This special year has been opened with vespers service at the Vatican on June 19th 2009 (Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the day for the sanctification of priests) and will close on June 19th 2010, during a World Meeting of Priests in St Peter’s Square.

During this jubilee year, the pope will also proclaim St. John Vianney to be patron saint of all the world's priests. At present he is considered the patron saint of parish priests.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the death of this 19th-century saint who represents a "true example of a priest at the service of the flock of Christ," according to the words of the Pope.

St. John Vianney is widely known to Catholics as the Cure (parish priest) of Ars who won over the hearts of his villagers in France by visiting with them, teaching them about God and reconciling people to the Lord in the confessional.

The pope said he was calling for the special year for priests in an effort to foster the priest's yearning "for spiritual perfection, upon which the effectiveness of their ministry principally depends."

"The awareness of the radical social changes over the past decades must stir the best ecclesial energies to look after the formation of priestly candidates," the pope said.

I think this year will also be a good chance to have a look into the life, the vocation and the ministry of Priests. Thinking about this, I start thinking of all the priests I have known in my life starting with my parish priests in my small parish in Mexico to the new brother priests I have known in Australia. Suddenly came to realize how much my faith and understanding of the priesthood has been influenced and shaped by all the examples that I have known through my life.

Hopefully, Church communities will be as proactive and creative as they have been for the celebration of the year of St Paul and come up with activities who will help the faithful to a deeper understanding of the priesthood.

I invite you all to increase your prayers for all the priests that you know, dead or alive and ask the Father in Heaven to keep calling more men of courage to accept the invitation of the Lord who keeps saying Follow me!

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG