

一本由 St Columbians Mission Society 出版的傳教雜誌《遠東》,提到一家著名的英國朱古力公司,今年剛宣佈加入公平貿易組織。這組織以往致力於保障貧窮國家的工人利益、禁止在可可園雇用童工。加入這組織的公司均要承諾依從由公平貿易指定的原料價格購買原料,即使這指定的價格比市價高,加入公平貿易的公司卻並沒因金融海嘯而有所下降。






Dear Parishioners:

Hi everybody:

Days are getting colder, it is so good to stay home, watch TV and enjoy a warm cup of chocolate. Sometimes we take so many things for granted that we hardly notice the things that go behind the simple things in life that we enjoy. This week I want to give you something to think about next time you enjoy a cup or a bar of chocolate. During my reading of “The Far East” a mission magazine of the St Columbans Mission Society

I came across an article that made me stop and think. The article was about the news that one of Britain’s most popular chocolate bars (Cadbury’s Dairy Milk in case you want to know) had announced the decision to become Fairtrade certified this year and in doing so they will join thousands of campaigners against forced child labour on cocoa farms.

Under the Fairtrade scheme, the companies who join will pay a guaranteed minimum price for cocoa even if the open-market price falls below it and people in the Fairtrade foundation that sales of goods bearing its mark are growing despite the recession.

For us as Catholics sometimes we struggle to put our faith into action, not everybody has the gift of going out and do something to change the world and the lives of those who live around us or even the lives of those who live thousands of miles who live and work in situations where the message of love and forgiveness that Jesus preached sounds so distant. It is good to see that people have learnt that their purchasing decisions can directly affect the lives of some of the poorest workers in the developing world.

It gives me an inner joy to see that when big companies are pushed to change their policies for the good of the people it is, at the end, a victory for every person who has complained, campaigned, prayed and spread the message.

It is good to see that people are placed before profit, I see this as a sign that the Kingdom of God is spreading. Sometimes we just need to be more sensible to recognize places where this Kingdom needs to be installed.

I am not trying to promote any particular brand of chocolate. I was a bit hesitant about putting the name of the company, that is why I did it just once. I just want to highlight the fact that the installation of the Kingdom of God must be a priority in our lives, sometimes Catholics have been criticized for their lack of social commitment and that is why I wanted to show that we can be involved in different ways every one according to our own particular talents.

On this solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, when we celebrate Jesus who gives himself to us in the form of bread and wine it is important that we become sensible to certain issues and as the weather is turning colder I wanted to invite you to remember all the people who suffer and who work so hard so we can enjoy our warm cup of chocolate or coffee.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG