各位教友 :


未來我們堂區將有二項相應的安排:第一是 22/05/2009 傍晚的小輔祭訓練班。這是個由輔祭基本訓練、電影及薄餅串成的晚上,歡迎所有已辦初領聖體的孩子們參加。如果你盼望你的孩子能在堂區信仰生活中漸漸成長,而成為一個有責任感的基督徒,那就真的不容錯過。另外中文團體也將於不久的將來舉辦類此的小輔祭訓練班。

第二項是青年週年宿營。牧民處的青年每年都安排這樣的宿營,今年他們誠意邀請堂區七歲以上的青少年參加。今年週年宿營的主題為:《感謝主,你原已在此!》日期是 16/07/2009 至 18/07/2009 。



Hello Everybody:

On different occasions I have mentioned the importance of developing more the Youth Ministry in our parish. We are all aware of the importance to provide our youth with spaces where they can learn and develop their faith.

Youth ministry is not an easy task; it needs time, effort and dedication to keep them interested and also to make faith related to their daily lives.

In order to help the parish to develop this important pastoral task, two important events will take part in the near future.

The first one is an evening for Altar Servers, we are inviting all children interested, who have completed their sacraments of initiation, to come and learn more about this service. Time will be on the 22nd of May 2009. The evening will include some basic training, pizza and a movie. Please consider this activity if you want your children to learn and grow attached to the parish life. Helping the children to develop an early sense of belonging to this community and with a sense of responsibility can foster their growth in faith. This activity is for the Altar Servers for the English masses, for the Chinese group a similar activity will be arranged in the future, stay tuned.

The second activity is our annual Youth Camp, every year the Youth Group in the Chinese Chaplaincy organizes this activity and this year they are inviting all the youth in our parish who are interested. The theme for this year is “Thanks God you are here” and the time will be from Thursday 16th of July  2009 to Saturday 18th of July  2009. Camp will be at Merroo Christian Centre in Kurrajong. All the youth from year 7 up are welcome to participate. Forms will be distributed starting this weekend.

If you have children or youth who can participate in any of these activities please consider and encourage them to participate. It is very hard for them already to grow as Catholics in today’s society. They need our support and also our prayers. I honestly believe parish life can help them to develop a more mature approach to life and bring something that sometimes neither society nor technology can give.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG