各位教友 :

當我向別的神職人員提及我們這堂區時,堂區人數這一項,總令我難以作答,以往的教友登記紀錄是 903 個家庭,時至今日,這個數字需不斷地作出跟進,我們若要為堂區的未來作出籌劃,堂區教友的登記應是刻不容緩呀!

堂區教友的登記十分重要,連《天主教法典》也有提及,在 535 的第二卷、第一項寫道:「每一堂區應有堂區登記冊,即聖洗錄、婚姻錄、亡者錄、以及主教團或教區主教所規定的登記冊;堂區主任應督導使這些冊子妥善繕寫,並小心保管。」





Dear Parishioners:

One of the most common questions I have been asked when introducing the Parish to some other priest (Australia or overseas) is How many people in your parish? This is a question I usually have a hard time answering. The Parish record that we have 903 families registered here in St Monica but in order to have a more accurate vision of the population in the parish, this registry needs to be continuously update.

The Parish registry is such an important source of information that Canon Law even mentions its updating and keeping as one of the duties of the Parish Priest. Canon 535 §1 says : “Each parish is to have parochial registers, that is, those of baptisms, marriages, deaths, and others as prescribed by the conference of bishops or the diocesan bishop. The pastor is to see to it that these registers are accurately inscribed and carefully preserved”.

As you can see the Parish registry is an important source of information that reflects the reality of the parish, how many families, how many baptized, confirmed, married, departed, etc. Usually schools will ask for a letter signed by the Parish Priest and the letter ask if the family is a member of this parish, it is easy when the Parish priest can recognize the family as practicing Catholics but sometimes this is not the case and we need to see in the parish registry and find out if the family are under this parish or not.

For this reason and after discussion in the Pastoral Council, we have decided to dedicate the first three weeks of May as the time to update the parish registry. This updating is going to start today and we will invite you to fill up one of the forms provided, please remember that the registry is one per family, and give it back whether today or next week. If you think or you know that you are registered in this parish already, please fill up a form regardless, this will let us know that you are still living and active in this parish. Please be assured that the data in the registration forms are private and will be dealt accordingly. I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important task.

On a different note, I want to thank you for your concern about the situation in Mexico due to the swine flu outbreak that is becoming an international concern. I have received some phone calls and emails from people showing their care and concern and asking about the situation of my family. I spoke to my mum during the week and the situation in the state where they live is safe so far, of course I gave my mum and dad your greetings and good wishes, they both thank you deeply. There are some states in Mexico who have confirmed cases of the virus but in Puebla (the state where my parents live) there are not confirmed cases so far. Some other relatives, uncles, aunts and cousins, live in Mexico City and as you can imagine the situation is very stressful over there, especially in this big city of more than 20 millions. I do not want to go into the details of the situation because that has been already presented in the news over the week. I just want to thank you for your concern and I want to invite you to pray for my country so through the intersession of our Lady of Guadalupe, mother of the true God by whom one lives, this shadow of death can be wiped out by the powerful hand of God.

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG