


 1.   在烏干達幫助農務及建立食物安全系統
 2.   在印度面臨乾旱的地區設立綠色希望活動
 3.   在巴布亞新幾內亞協助流浪者實行有機耕種
 4.   在印尼資助弱勢社群自給自足
 5.   在澳洲協助社區設立青少年培育計劃
 6.   在玻利維亞推動當地適應環境變遷活動





Dear Brother Priests, Parish Associates and Parishioners,

As the world struggles with issues of climate change, over consumption and environmental degradation Project Compassion 2009 focuses on the environment with projects which support not only sustainable farming practices and positive community development but make it possible for people to live life to the full.

Australians are only too aware of the impact of drought, flood and fire on rural communities. In the developing world the consequences of such natural disasters are polluted water, food shortages and disease. Project Compassion 2009 with its theme An Environment to Grow In, highlights six stories of people involved in projects funded by Caritas Australia which provide opportunities for more sustainable living:

 1.  Building food security and livelihoods for subsistence farmers in Uganda
 2.  Bringing Green Hope to drought prone areas in tribal India
 3.  Helping former ‘street boys’ to farm organically for their future in Papua New Guinea
 4.  Supporting Indigenous Indonesian communities to participate in a future of ecological justice
 5.  Developing and training local community members to run an effective youth program that benefits the whole community in Indigenous Australia
 6.  Building communities’ capacity to adapt to the effects of changing weather in Bolivia

Vulnerable communities are the first to experience the impact of global disasters whether they are financial or environmental. Project Compassion provides us with an opportunity to support disadvantaged people in their efforts to provide for their families and to live productive and sustainable lives.

The parishes and schools in the Diocese of Parramatta continue to respond generously to Project Compassion and other appeals for help and I have no doubt that 2009 will once again see that same generosity as we recognize the need to take action for justice. Your generosity enables Caritas Australia to continue to support many projects in Australia and around the world.

This Lent may Project Compassion remind us to take good care of the earth and encourage us all to live more sustainably.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Bishop Kevin Manning
Diocese of Parramatta