








Hello everybody!

Last week I discuss with you about the role of the liturgical norms in the Eucharistic Celebration. I tried to point out mainly two things: That the Sacred Eucharist is so precious for the Church, that certain norms and rules have been developed to make sure this treasure is kept safe. The other point was that the liturgical norms manifest deeply the divine realities of faith we believe in.

Today I want to continue our reflexion on this important topic; I want to cover another three important issues that reflect the importance of the liturgical norms.

The liturgical norms help us to maintain the ‘vertical’ orientation of the Mass. With this I want to imply that the Holy Eucharist is celebrated with the aim to worship God, to praise him, to give him thanks, to ask him what we need in both the spiritual and material sense. So God is at the centre of every Eucharistic celebration, not what I like, not what I would like to see happening and especially not what I think is “in”.

As you see, norms are there just to avoid that the liturgy becomes a different reality of what is celebrated in faith (remember the term Lex Orandi, lex credendi). A liturgy that is not aware of this ‘vertical’ dimension falls into the temptation to become too focus on us but not on God, the centre, the beginning and the aim of every Christian Liturgy. As Pope John Paul II clearly mentioned in the encyclical Ecclessia de Eucharistia 52:It must be lamented that, especially in the years following the post-conciliar liturgical reform, as a result of a misguided sense of creativity and adaptation, there have been a number of abuses which have been a source of suffering for many. A certain reaction against “formalism” has led some, especially in certain regions, to consider the “forms” chosen by the Church's great liturgical tradition and her Magisterium as non-binding and to introduce unauthorized innovations which are often completely inappropriate.

The second point I want to mention is that the liturgical norms promote a healthy ecclesiology. The Church is the mystical body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-30), this requires that every member of the body of Christ develops its own uniqueness with respect to the different ministries and roles that each of us play in the life of the Church. The liturgical norms clearly mention who is to do what and at what time. The Holy Eucharist is precisely the moment when each member of the body of Christ comes together to worship God with the individual gifts that he or she has been given by God. Ministries like music, readers, collectors, sacristans, ushers etc. are there to remind us that we all can achieve what the Council called for:“an active and conscious participation which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy” (Sacrosanctum Concilium 14). Unfortunately when the liturgical norms are not respected we tend to “clericalize” laity ministries and vice versa. (Extreme examples of this is lay people reading the Eucharistic Prayer with the Priest or priests taking up the collections during mass, please note the word extreme).

Finally, and as a consequence of what we have been saying, the Liturgical Norms are there to promote unity and harmony. The acceptance and faithful observance of these norms help to promote such unity and harmony just in the sense that each parish community just as each diocese are aware, in faith, that in the observance of these norms they are proclaiming the faith they have been baptized into and also the faith of the whole universal church. These norms help us to avoid precious time just trying to reconcile personal taste and personal theories of what should be done. These norms protect you, lay people, even from the personal choices of pastors, just as they protect pastors from communities who want their liturgies to be changes to fit their personal taste.

As you can see, common sense and the need for order can also be used to defend the importance of the Liturgical norms. To end this article I will propose an example that, I think, fits the sporty mindset of Australians. If rules in cricket, or any sport for that matter, require obedience to the referee (who did not make the rules, but he is just there to apply them) so in liturgy, Bishops and priests are there to make sure that what we celebrate and how we celebrate is the concrete manifestation of what we profess in faith.

To be continued… … (l promise I will finish this article next week.)

Peace in Jesus

Fernando Montano MG

P.S. The building project has started, as you can see the parking entrance in Daking Street is closed! Thanks for your patience!